The great New York artist Joel Perlman in his Tribeca Art Studio.
View from Anton Van Dalen's roof in Alphabet City.
View from Anton Van Dalen's roof in Alphabet City.
The great New York artist Anton Van Dalen in front of his pigeon coop.
Salvador Dali's Persistence of Memory in front of Big Ben on the River Thames.
The Gates in Central Park.
The Gates in Central Park.
The Gates in Central Park.
The Gates in Central Park.
The Gates in Central Park.
The Gates in Central Park.
The Gates in Central Park.
Kristen Jones and Andrew Ginzel's Metronome near Union Square park.
Big Tony in the 1990s at the Mare Chiaro Bar in Little Italy, New York.
Big Tony in the 1990s at the Mare Chiaro Bar in Little Italy, New York.
Big Tony in the 1990s at the Mare Chiaro Bar in Little Italy, New York.
Giuseppe Garibaldi statue in Washington Square Park in New York.
Taken in Newark, N.J. near the Basilica.
Taken in Istanbul, Turkey in 1991
New Scotland Yard, London, United Kingdom.
San Fele, Potenza, Basilicata, Italia
Rome, Italy.
Rome, Italy.
Rome, Italy.
Saint Lucy's Church in Newark, New Jersey.
Saint Lucy's Church in Newark, New Jersey.
La Madonna di Pierno in Saint Lucy's Church in Newark, New Jersey.
Saint Lucy's Church in Newark, New Jersey.
Saint Lucy's Church in Newark, New Jersey.
Saint Lucy's Church in Newark, New Jersey.